Is Our Story
YOUR Story?
The first thing I want you to do is see if you can do better on the first test I took in grad school while studying theology. Here was the only question on that test: List the books of the Bible in their canonical order.
Hopefully, you performed better than I did! I flunked it. That humbling reality check demonstrated how little I knew about a book I’ve been reading for more than 50 years. (Note that I used the word “reading” rather than “studying.” There is a big difference.)
By my best calculation, I have spent over 12,000 hours of my life in church, Sunday School, group studies, having my daily quiet time, working on a church staff, and serving as a missionary. Yet, I knew so little about the Bible that I did not come close to listing, in order, all 66 books of the Bible. That fundamental failure propelled me to become a faithful student of the Bible rather than a consistent reader of the Bible.
Here is how that confession impacts you: when you become a participant in our weekly Bible study, you will learn how to properly study the Bible. You will also discover practical ways to apply it to your life. Therefore, please bring a Bible and something on which to make notes to each session so you can get the most out of the minutes we have together.
As you investigate with us, you will learn what the Holy Spirit-inspired authors intended for you to discover about Jesus through their accounts of his story. After each lesson, you will understand the Scriptures more fully, love Christ more deeply, and be equipped to share Christ more confidently with others.
Come join us each Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm at the Shelby Campus of Southeast Christian Church, as together, we Investigate Jesus.