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Serving Others is #3 Luke 10

For the last several weeks, our group has been discussing the biblical reasons we should be eager to serve others. So if that is true, why does Jesus tell Martha–who is busily preparing food for Jesus and his friends–that she should not be doing that?

During tonight’s Investigate Jesus Bible study, we’ll review the evidence in Scripture to answer:

  • Why is it wrong to make serving others my priority?

  • What are some warning signs that I am not serving others in the proper way?

  • How can I find the ministry area in which God designed me to serve others?

Our shared meal will be ready for you at 5:30pm. Our investigation of “Serving Others is Number 3” begins at 6pm at Southeast Christian Church Shelby Campus.

September 19

God’s Big Plans for You Ephesians 2:10

October 3

The Truth about Ruth