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Questions Mark: Mark 11;27- 13:2

The title of this lesson, “Questions Mark” is not a typo; it’s the topic. Just after Jesus overturned the tables in the temple, he now turns-the-tables on his foes, the religious people who are plotting to kill him. It is Jesus who is asking the questions in Mark 11:27-:13:2.

Jesus’ interrogation of his detractors provides us with questions that we too must consider:

  • Which determines our actions more:

    • man’s opinion of us or

    • God’s requirements for us?

  • Does God really send well-meaning people to hell?

  • When standing before God in judgment, will I be able to talk my way into heaven?

Please join us as we Investigate Jesus tonight. We’ll provide sandwiches, chips, and drinks for you starting at 5:30pm. The lesson begins at 6pm sharp!

January 25

Messianic Secret: REVEALED Mark 11:1-26

February 8

End of the Age: Mark 13